We are sorry to hear that your glasses are crooked or have become misaligned after some time of wearing.
However, this is not - as one might quickly assume - a quality defect and can be adjusted quite easily! :-)
Each pair of glasses, whether made of metal or plastic (acetate) must be adjusted to the wearer. In the manufacture of eyeglasses, such a material is particularly advantageous because of its light weight, the eyeglass model does not become too heavy for the bridge of the nose.
The fit can be excellently individualized with acetate; even slight heating enables the easiest bending and adjustment. Metal glasses can be perfectly adjusted with the appropriate pliers.
So, you can simply take your glasses to a nearby optician (or, if there's a Kapten & Son store nearby, you're welcome to go there, too) and have them adjusted to fit the shape of your face perfectly. Most opticians offer this service free of charge. Should you still incur costs, please send us the invoice (as a photo) and your bank details. We will then reimburse you for the costs incurred.
Therefore, please pay special attention to your acetate glasses in the summer and do not leave them in the car or on particularly hot days in the sun without protection! That heat is often enough for the material to be deformed easily.