I would like to cancel my order
As long as you have not received a shipping confirmation, we can still cancel your order. Please contact us here. We will then cancel your order and refund the money. Please be sure to include your order number.
If your order has already been shipped, you can of course use your right of cancellation after receiving it.
I want to change or delete products from my order
Unfortunately it is not possible to change your order.
As long as you have not received a shipping confirmation, we can still cancel your order and refund your money. Please contact us here. You can then easily place a new order.
I would like to change my shipping address afterwards
As long as you have not received a shipping confirmation, we can still change your shipping address. Please contact us here and tell us your new address. Please be sure to include your order ID/order number.
After your order has left our warehouse, we cannot change your shipping and billing address.